Free Little Art Gallery PVD
Time to read 2 min
Time to read 2 min
“These environments are not only for people who ‘understand’ art. They can be experienced by anybody, anywhere. It is universal and is capable of reaching all levels of life. Art is for everyone.”
I've been an artist my whole life; it's only recently that I actually started calling myself an artist. I think there's something about art that feels VERY SERIOUS, or maybe, to be an artist you need to be a professional. I held myself back for many years because I felt like an imposter. Calling myself an artist has been a liberating experience!
It may sound super obvious, but art is for everyone. We could get super philosophical here and talk about skill level and artistic imagination, or even about what qualifies as art (or, ugh, keep me from vomiting, "good" art). Don't get me wrong, I'm somebody who makes a living through my art. But I still adamantly believe that art should be accessible to everyone. Both to view, and also to make.
I'm so super excited to share the new Free Little Art Gallery outside my house. Have you ever seen a Free Little Art Gallery before?
So, what's a Free Little Art Gallery? Have you seen the huge network of Little Free Libraries, where people take and leave books to share? Well, a Free Little Art Gallery is kind of like that, only with art. Little Free Libraries are an incredible model of community building; I love the idea of sharing books with neighbors, of giving and receiving, of getting to know the folks who stop by. How amazing would it be to use that model, but for art?
I can't take credit for this incredible idea. I'm not sure who started them, but there is a Free Little Art Gallery network across the country. I saw a social media post about Free Little Art Galleries and realized that I hadn't really seen any in Providence! When I visited my sister in Portland, OR, I also noticed a ton of tiny libraries that were for things other than books. The coolest one was a Lego Library! I've also seen a seed and plant exchange, which I really loved.
My neighborhood has a bazillion of the Little Free Libraries to the point that it feels saturated, but no Free Little Art Galleries.
It's simple. You visit the Free Little Art Gallery and "ooooh" and "ahhhh." And then you might decide to take a piece home with you, if something catches your eye. It's free! It's for you!
I've also stocked the Free Little Art Gallery with tiny canvases and paper (they're so itty bitty and cute). These are free, too! You can take a canvas and make some art at home. And then next time you come by, share your art with the world (or, at least, with the East Side of Providence).
I stocked the Free Little Art Gallery with some art work, just to get things kicked off. But I am SO excited to see how folks interact with it, and to share community art.
Ready to feast your eyes on some art and participate in a city-wide exhibition? Ready to make some art to share? Visit the Free Little Art Gallery PVD, located on the East Side of Providence on Lloyd Avenue, between Cole and Slater.
I can't wait to see what you create!