A mural of large scale flowers and ferns

5 Strategic Reasons a Mural Will Help Your Business or School Thrive

Written by: Hannah Pearlman


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Time to read 3 min

Murals are a Strategic Investment

Not only do murals add color and life to a space, but they are also a strategic investment in your business, school, and community space. Have you ever thought about how to effectively communicate important messaging to your customers, clients, and students and put yourself on the map? A mural can help you do that!

💡 Did you know

Murals are one of the oldest forms of human artistic expression! The oldest cave paintings (the first murals) can be dated to 30,000 years ago..

1. Communicate Your Story

Think of murals as visual metaphor. They tell a story through color, imagery, and even words. Art is an amazing way to share important information about your business, including your values, tone of voice and personality, and key messaging.

By incorporating elements of your brand, large-scale art can communicate the story you want to tell in a memorable way. A mural is a beautiful way to create brand recognition and recall.

A mural can tell both figurative and literal stories. A well-designed mural can be used to express your business's identity and convey the things you care about the most.

A freestanding mural of abstract musical instruments with Hebrew letters at Camp Ramah in Nyack, NY

Ramah Day Camp in Nyack, New York is beloved by hundreds of campers each summer. But the joy they experience was not reflected at the main entrance to the camp. By working with staff, I painted this 24 foot long free-standing mural. The mural contains lyrics of a song campers sing each week, and the vibrant colors and abstract instruments capture some of the fun and excitement of camp. Any person who drives to the camp entrance is greeting by this inviting and truly joyful welcome!

2. Engage Your Audience

Murals are visually interesting and attract attention, both from passersby and regulars. They are the perfect backdrop for an Instagram selfie and can really boost passive marketing opportunities. Exterior murals encourage increased foot traffic. Additionally, murals help create a memorable experience for customers.

Hannah Pearlman paints a tree mural while a student with a backpack watches and asks questions

Murals are amazing tools for community building. At the Henry Barnard School, students participated in the design process by contributing ideas for elements to be included in their school tree, including:

  • Stars (because we are all shining stars)
  • A bee (to represent being a helper)
  • A smiley face (because we feel happy at school)
  • A heart (to represent the love in our building)
three kids painting a vibrant mural with english and hebrew words

In some cases, community members can join in and participate in a life-size paint by number. By actually getting their hands dirty and being directly involved in the painting, participants create life-long memories and feel ownership of their community spaces.

3. Elevate Your Space

Your space communicates so much. There's absolutely nothing wrong with a plain wall; but how much more exciting is a wall that reflects your business's personality! A mural will beautify your space and make it more appealing through color and visual interest.

Murals are a fantastic opportunity to create memorable and immersive experiences for your customers and clientele. 

A blank while before improvements
A wall with a mural of flowers and ferns that says shalom welcome
A mural of large, vibrant flowers and ferns

The check-in desk at the fitness center of the Jewish Alliance of RI was professional and clean, but not particularly welcoming or distinctive. Adding color and welcoming language brought a level of vibrancy and really lifted the space. The mural added so much to what was an otherwise gray area.

4. Differentiate Yourself

Listen, YOU know your value added, but does everyone else? What is it that separates you from the crowd? A mural is a fantastic way to stand apart from the competition by showing your unique personality, messaging, and story. With a unique, custom work of art, people are sure to remember what makes your business or community different from competing options.

5. Inspire Emotional Response

Art inspires people. It helps to create emotional connection, and can also help people feel welcomed, safe, and excited. With an emotional connection, customers and clients are more likely to remember your business and want to return.

A woman painting a mural under a covered structure while kids play in the background

This mural included the lyrics to a beloved song. Whenever kids come to this outdoor space, they burst into song and dance. It's a joyful representation of their beautiful community!

Are you ready to paint your success?

Let's work together! I'll learn about your strategic goals and create custom artwork based on your business's unique needs and vision. 

What's the process?

Get in touch

Fill out my inquiry form here and provide me with some details about your project.

Schedule a call

We'll chat for about 30 minutes so I can learn more about you, your space, your business, and your goals.


After we talk, I'll send you some more information, including a free moodboard. I'll also provide you with an estimate and timeframe.


A 50% deposit and signed contract will reserve your spot!


I'll design concepts and mockups for you to review. I include revisions in my process.


I'll get to work painting your mural!


You watch your space come to life. Balance is due upon completion.